
Have questions about what a record means?

Our comprehensive Glossary is here to help! As experts in our field, we have compiled an ever growing and updating list of the terminology and abbreviations for criminal offenses. If you don’t see what you’re looking for, call us at 888-527-3282 or email us at

An image of an employee


A & B Assault and Battery
A & ROB (armed) Assault and Robbery (armed)
A INT MAIM Assault with Intent to Maim
A TO K (or MAIM, MUR, RAPE, ROB) Assault to Kill (or Maim, Murder, Rape, Rob)
A Assault
AA ARMED Assault, Armed
AA/DW Aggravated Assault with a Deadly Weapon
AA/PO Aggravated Assault Police Officer (Dallas County)
AA/SBI Aggravated Assault / Serious Bodily Injury
AAWW Aggravated Assault With Weapon
ABC Alcohol Beverage Control Act
ABD Abduction
ABNDN or ABNDNT Abandon or Abandonment
ABST Abstraction
ABUS LANG Abusive Language
ABWIK Assault and Battery With Intent to Kill
ACAF Accessory After the Fact
ACBF Accessory Before the Fact
ACC Accessory
ACC AFT FACT REC Accessory After the Fact, Receiving
ACC BURG Accessory to Burglary
ACC TO ISS CHK Accessory to Issuing Check
ACC TO JL BRK Accessory to Jail Break
ACC TO L Accessory to Larceny
ACC TO MUR Accessory to Murder
ACC TO ROB Accessory to Robbery
ACCOMP DD Accompanying Drunken Driver
ACCPL Accomplice
ACCPT BRB Accepting a Bribe
ADJ Adjudication
ADLTY Adultery
ADW Assault with Deadly Weapon
ADW/FIREARM Assault with Deadly Weapon/Firearms
AFA Alien Firearms Act
AFCF After Former Conviction of a Felony
AFDVT Affidavit
AFFR Affray
AFFR WDW Affray With Deadly Weapon
AFO Assaulting a Federal Officer
AGG A Aggravated Assault
AID & ABET LOTT Aiding and Abetting Lottery
AID & HAR ESC PR Aiding and Harboring an Escaped Prisoner
AID PR TO ESC Aiding a Prisoner to Escape
AIDA Automobile Information Disclosure Act
AKA Also Known As
ALIEN POSS FIREARMS Alien in Possession of Firearms
ALLOW DR W/O PRMT Allowing One to Drive Without a Permit
ALT Altering
ANNOY & SOL Annoying and Soliciting
APC Actual Physical Control
APCV Actual Physical Control of a Vehicle
APIPOCC Appropriating Property In Possession Of Common Carrier
APO Assaulting Police Officer
APP. CT Appellate Court
APPROP Appropriating
AR Anti-Racketeering
ARD Accelerated Rehabilitation Disposition
ARL Antiriot Laws
ARMED WDW Armed With Dangerous Weapon
ARSON OF PERS PROP Arson of Personal Property
ASLT Assault
ASLT TO RA Assault to Rob Armed
ASMB Assembling
ASST Assisting
ASST ATT TO RAPE Assisting in Attempt to Commit Rape
ASST PROST Assisting Prostitution
ATL Antitrust Law
ATPT Attempt
ATROC Atrocious
ATT Attempt or Attempted
ATT RA Attempted Robbery Armed
ATTEMPT Attempt to Steal, Commit, etc
AUTO H & R Auto – Hit and Run
AUTO NO LIC Auto – No License
AVIN Altered Vehicle Identification Number
AWDW Assault with Deadly Weapon
AWDWIKISI Assault with a Deadly Weapon with Intent to Kill or Inflict Serious Injury
AWOL Absent Without Leave
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B Breaking
B Battery (FBI definition)
B & E Breaking and Entering
B of P Breach of Peace (FBI definition)
B/F Bond Forfeiture
BAIL JUMPG Bail Jumping
BATT Battery
BB Bank Burglary
BC Bad Check or Bogus Check
BF & E Bank Fraud and Embezzlement
BI Bodily Injury
BKMKG Bookmaking
BL Bank Larceny
BLKML Blackmail
BNID Burglary Not In a Dwelling
BOND FORF Bond Forfeiture
BOP Breach of Peace
BORD Bill of Review Denied
BORG Bill of Review Granted
BR Bank Robbery
BRBG Bribing
BRBY Bribery
BRCSP Buying, Receiving, Concealing Stolen Property
BTCP Probation Following Boot Camp Incarceration
BTG Beating
BURG Burglary
BURN DEST INS PROP Burning, Destroying, etc., Insured Property
BURN INT INJ INS Burning, Intent to Injure Insurer
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C & F Call and Failed, (voluntary dismissal by judge or court)
C to D of M Contributing to the Delinquency of a Minor
CAID Criminal Activity In Drugs
CAR B Car Breaking
CAR PROWL Car Prowling
CC ABUSE/USE Credit Card Abuse
CCDW Carrying Concealed Deadly Weapon
CCF Carrying Concealed Firearm
CCM Community Corrections Management Office
CCW Carry Concealed Weapon
CD Conditional Discharge
CDW Carrying Dangerous Weapon
CI Correctional Institution
CIT Citation Code (Georgia State)
CK (Check) can also mean Carnal Knowledge (of FC – Female Child)
CL Complied with Law
CMPT Contempt
CNSP Conspiracy to Commit
CNTY CRT County Court
CO Central Office
COC Contempt of Court
COMM IND ACT Committing Indecent Act
COMN Common (used with assault, cheat, drunk, etc.)
COMP FEL Compounding a Felony
CONC EVID Concealing Evidence
CONSP Conspiracy
CONT DA Controlled Dangerous Substance
CONV Conversion
CPCS Criminal Possession of a Controlled Substance
CPDD Criminal Possession of Dangerous Drugs
CPSP Criminal Possession of Stolen Property
CR B Criminal – B (Not Felony)
CR to ANI Cruelty to Animals
CR to CHDN Cruelty to Children
CRIM CRLESS Criminal Carelessness
CRLESS DR Careless Driving
CRNL Carnal
CRNL KNLDG Carnal Knowledge (of FC – Female Child)
CRSP Criminal Receiving Stolen Property
CRV Conditional Release Violator
CSA Controlled Substance Act
CSCS Criminal Sale of Controlled Substances
CTFG or CTFT Counterfeiting or Counterfeit
CW Concealed Weapons
CW W/O PRMT OR LIC Carrying Weapon Without Permit or License
CWIK Cutting With Intent to Kill
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D & D(C) Drunk and Disorderly (Conduct)
D & S Dangerous and Suspicious
DA Drug Abuse
DAA W/O OP Driving Away Auto Without Owner’s Permission
DAMV Destruction of Aircraft or Motor Vehicles
DAR Driving After Revocation
DC Disorderly Conduct
DC Detention Center
DCI Driving Car Intoxicated
DCI (-D or -L) Driving Car Intoxicated (-Drugs or -Liquor)
DCMW Drunk in Control of Motor Vehicle
DE Deferred
DEAL IN LOTT POL Dealing in Lottery Police
DEF BLDG Defacing Building
DEF BRAKES Defective Brakes
DEF GPVT BONDS Defacing Government Bonds
DEF OR DEST PERS PROP Defacing or Destroying Personal Property
DEF OR DEST PUB PROP Defacing or Destroying Public Property
DEFR Defrauding
DELIN Delinquent
DEP Deportation
DEPOS IN US PO THRT Depositing in US Post Office Threat to Injure Person or Property of Addressee
DESER Desertion or Deserter
DESTR OF IP Destruction of Interstate Property
DGP Destruction of Government Property
DH Disorderly House
DIP Drunk In Public
DIS Disorderly
DISCH FIREARMS Discharging Firearms
DISM Charge Dismissed
DISP MTG PROP Disposing of Mortgaged Property
DISP STLN PROP Disposing of Stolen Property
DIST Disturbance
DIST PEACE Disturbing the Peace
DISTIL Distilling
DISTR Distributing
DIV Diverting
DL Drug Law
DMG PROP Damaging Property
DOF Desecration of Flag
DP Disorderly Person
DR W/O PRMT Driving Without Permit
DRK Drunk
DRUG/MOP SCH Drugs Manufactured or Possessed Near a School
DRW CHK W/O FDS Drawing Check Without Funds
DRW OR EXH FIREARMS Drawing or Exhibiting Firearms
DSMD Dismissed
DSPLY VOID OP LIC Displaying Void Operator’s License
DUI (L) Driving Under Influence (of Liquor)
DUS Driving Under Suspension
DV Domestic Violence
DW Dangerous Weapon
DWA Dangerous Weapon Act
DWAI Driving While Ability Impaired
DWD (-D or -L) Driving While Drunk (-Drugs or -Liquor)
DWI Driving While Impaired
DWLG Dwelling
DWLS Driving While License Suspended
DWLS/SR Driving While License Suspended/Sentence Reduced
DYN Dynamiting
DYN INH BLDG Dynamiting Inhabited Building
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EAR Escape and Rescue
ECT Extortionate Credit Transactions
EFP Escaped Federal Prisoner
EGP Embezzlement of Government Property
EID Explosives and Incendiary Devices
EL Election Laws
ELIM Elimination
EMBZ Embezzlement or Embezzling
ENDANG Endangering
ENDANG L OR H OF CHILD Endangering the Life or Health of a Child
ENT (or E) Entering
ENTIC Enticing
ENTIC FEM U AGE Enticing Females Under Age
ENTIC INTO IMM PLACE Enticing Into Immoral Place
ESC Escaped
ESC CONV Escaped Convict
ESC FED CUST Escaping Federal Custody
ESC LAW FRAUD VIOLATION Employment Security Commission Law Fraud Violation (Welfare Fraud)
ESP Espionage
EV Evasion or Evading
EV TAX L Evasion of Tax Law
EVSDRP Eavesdropping
EXH Exhibiting
EXPLSV Explosives
EXPOS Exposing
EXT Extortion
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F1 – F6 Felonies with F1 being the most serious type of offense
FACL Facilitation Of
FAG Fraud Against Government
FAIL Failure
FAIL ANS SUM Failure to Answer Summons
FAIL ASST AFT CAUS WRK Failure to Assist After Causing Wreck
FAIL RPT ACC Failure to Report and Accident
FAIL RPT FEL Failure to Report a Felony
FAIL SRV LEG PROC Failure to Serve Legal Process
FAIL TO AID Failure to Stop and Render Aid
FAIL TO APP Failure to Appear
FAIL TO OBT LIC OR PRMT Failure to Obtain a License or Permit
FAIL TO PROV Failure to Provide
FALSE Pretenses Writing Insufficient Check
FCC False Claiming U.S. Citizenship
FCC Federal Correctional Complex
FCI Federal Correctional Institution
FCR Fines, Costs and Restitution
FDC Federal Detention Center
FEL RED Felony Reduction
FERIC False Entries in Records of Interstate Carriers
FF Fugitive File
FFA Federal Firearms Act
FFJ Fugitive from Justice
FFST Fail to File State Taxes
FHA Federal Housing Administration
FHIF Frequenting House of Ill Fame
FICT Fictitious
FIREARMS A Firearms Act
FJDA Federal Juvenile Delinquency Act
FLS False
FLS ADV False Advertising
FLS CL False Claims
FLS FIRE ALA False Fire Alarm
FLS POL ALA False Police Alarm
FMC Federal Medical Center
FMFR Failure to Maintain Financial Responsibility
FOA Fugitive Other Authorities
FORC ENT Forcible Entry
FORF Forfeiture, Forfeiting
FORG Forged, Forgery
FORG & PASS Forging and Passing
FORG DR PRESC Forging Doctor’s Prescription
FORG US OBLI Forging U.S. Obligations
FORN Fornication
FP False Pretenses
FPC Federal Prison Camp
FR False Report
FRA Federal Reserve Act
FRD Fraud, Fraudulent
FSRA Failure to Stop and Render Aid after a Collision
FTA/TP CST Failure to Appear to Pay Fine and Cost
FTC Federal Transfer Center
FUDE Fugitive Deserter
FUUSTC Forging and Uttering U.S. Treasury Check
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GA Guilty in Absentia
GAMB Gambling
GL (A) Grand Larceny (Auto)
GLFR Grand Larceny from Retailer
GR BOD INJ Gross Bodily Injury
GRD THFT or GT(A) Grand Theft (Auto)
GROSS CHT Gross Cheat
GROSS INJ Gross Injury
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H of IF House of Ill Fame
H of PROS House of Prostitution
HAB Habitual
HAB DRK Habitual Drunk
HARB CRIM Harboring Criminals
HB Housebreaking
HLDP Holdup
HLDP DW Holdup with Deadly Weapon
HVSW Health Violation Solid Waste
HWY ROB Highway Robbery
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ICC Indirect Criminal Contempt
IGA Interstate Gambling Activities
IGB Illegal Gambling Business
ILL MFNG USE SALE EMBLEMS INSIGNIA Illegal Manufacturing Use – Possession – Sale – Emblems – Insignia
ILL PRAC MED Illegal Practice of Medicine
ILLEG BUSN Illegal Business
ILLEG COHAB Illegal Cohabitation
ILLEG DENT Illegal Dentistry
ILLEG ENT US Illegal Entry to U.S.
ILLIC Illicit
ILLIC DISTIL Illicit Distilling
IMM Immoral
IMM ENTNMT Immoral Entertainment
IMP Impersonating or Impersonation
IMP OFC Impersonating an Officer
IMPR ST LIC Improper State License
INCEND Incendiarism
INCORR Incorrigible or Incorrigibility
IND Indecent
IND COND Indecent Conduct
IND EXP Indecent Exposure
IND LIB (MIN CHILD) Indecent Liberties (With Minor Child)
INF Infamous
INF CR AGST NAT Infamous Crime Against Nature
INFL Influence
INJCT Injunction
INM DH Inmate Disorderly House
INN Innocent. Plea of not guilty, found innocent by the jury
INST Instructed verdict, found innocent of charge. (FBI definition is Instrument)
INSUF FDS or INSF Insufficient Funds
INT Intent
INT CS IN CO FAC Introducing a Controlled Substance into a County Facility
INTCRSE WITH CHILD Intercourse With Child
INTERF Interfering
INTIM Intimidation or Intimidating
INTIM GOVT WIT Intimidating Government Witness
INTOX Intoxication or Intoxicated
INV Investigation
INVET VAG Inveterate Vagrancy
INVOL MANSL Involuntary Manslaughter
IOC Interception of Communications
IPGP Illegal Possession of Government Property
IPPL Illegal Possession Prohibited Liquor
IRA Internal Revenue Act
IRC Internal Revenue Code
IRL Internal Revenue Law
IRLL Internal Revenue Liquor Law
ISS Involuntary Servitude and Slavery
ISS FRD INST Issuing Fraudulent Instruments
IT Interstate Theft
ITAR Interstate Transportation in Aid of Racketeering
ITF Interstate Transportation of Fireworks
ITGD Interstate Transportation of Gambling Devices
ITLT Interstate Transportation of Lottery Tickets
ITOM Interstate Transportation of Obscene Matter
ITPMG Interstate Transportation of Prison-Made Goods
ITSA Interstate Transportation of Stolen Aircraft
ITSC Interstate Transportation of Stolen Cattle
ITSMV Interstate Transportation of Stolen Motor Vehicle
ITSP (CT or MT) Interstate Transportation of Stolen Property (Commercialized Theft or Major Theft)
ITWI Interstate Transmission of Wagering Information
ITWP Interstate Transportation of Wagering Paraphernalia
IWC Issue Worthless Check
IWFC Interference With Flight Crew
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J SATISF Judgment Satisfied
JCCP Plea of not guilty, found guilty by the jury and sentenced by the jury
JCJG Plea of not guilty, found guilty by the jury and sentenced by the judge
JD Juvenile Delinquency
JDA Juvenile Delinquency Act
JGSA Judgment Set Aside
JL B Jail Breaking
JN CLOSED Judicial Number Closed
JOY RID Joy Riding
JVGR Finding for defendant to stand trial as an adult. Case transferred to grand jury
JVJV Juvenile case returned to juvenile court
JVTR Defendant found to be juvenile by the judge, case transferred to juvenile court
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KCSP Knowingly Concealing Stolen Property
KFO Killing Federal Officer
KHIF Keeping House of Ill Fame
KID Kidnapping
KPO Killing Police Officer
KRA Kickback Racket Act
KRSP Knowingly Receiving Stolen Property
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L & R Larceny and Receiving
L AFT TRUST Larceny After Trust
L and L Lewd and Lascivious
L BY BAILEE Larceny by Bailee
L FR IS Larceny From Interstate Shipment
LARC (or L) Larceny
LASCV Lascivious
LEWD & DISSOL Lewd and Dissolute
LEWD & IND ACT Lewd and Indecent Act
LIO Lesser Inclusive Offense
LIQ Liquor
LI-S/R/D/AL/SUS OP/NEV APPL License Suspended, Revoked, Denied; Applicant License Suspended, Never Applied
LL Liquor Law
LMFR Larceny Merchandise From Retailer
LOIT Loitering
LOTT Lottery
LSA Leaving the Scene of an Accident
LV ACC Leaving the Scene of an Accident (FBI definition)
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MAIN BAWDY H Maintaining Bawdy House
MAIN DH Maintaining Disorderly House
MAIN LIQ NUIS Maintaining Liquor Nuisance
MAL Malicious
MANSL Manslaughter
MAT WIT Material Witness
MCC Metropolitan Correctional Center
MCFP Medical Center for Federal Prisoners
MDC Metropolitan Detention Center
MF Mail Fraud
MIP Minor in Possession
MISAP BY PUB OFC Misappropriation by Public Officer
MISCOND Misconduct
MISD Misdemeanor Charge
MIST Mistrial
MKG FLS AFI Making False Affidavit
MOB ACTION Group Disruption
MOL Molesting
MUR Murder
MUTIL Mutilating
MVI Motor Vehicle Inspection
MVR Mandatory Release Violator
MVR Motor Vehicle Report
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NACT No Action
NADG Non-Adjudication of Guilt (Agreed Plea)
NAFM No Alabama Fuel Marker
NAJG Non-Adjudication of Guilt (Open Plea)
NAOG Deferred Probation
NARA Narcotics Addict Rehabilitation Act
NARC Narcotics
NAT A Naturalization Act
NEG Neglect
NFA National Firearms Act
NFOG No Finding of Guilt
NGRI Not Guilty by Reason of Insanity
NMVTA National Motor Vehicle Theft Act
NOL PRS Nolle Pros, Nolle Prosequi, or Nolle Prossed
NON SUP Nonsupport
NPCF BY MAGISTRATE No probable cause found by Magistrate
NRA (MD) National Resource Authority (i.e. Fishing without a license, etc.)
NSP National Stolen Property
NUIS Nuisance
NWNI Negotiating a Worthless Negotiable Instrument (bad check)
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OAWI Operating Auto While Intoxicated
OBS LIT Obscene Literature
OBS PICT Obscene Pictures
OBTS FORMAT Offensive Base Tracking System (Florida computer system for law enforcement tracking of cases.)
OCC ROOM IMM PUR Occupying Room for Immoral Purposes
OCI Obstruction of Criminal Investigations
OCO Obstruction of Court Orders
ODLA Driver License Amended
ODLD Driver License Dismissed
ODLG Driver License Granted
OGFP Obtaining Goods by False Pretense
OHIR Operating House of Ill Repute
OMFP Obtaining Money by False Pretense
OMV PRMT SUSP Operating Motor Vehicle after Permit Suspended
OMV W/O (LIC PL or OC or PRMT) Operating Motor Vehicle Without (License Plates or Owner’s Consent or Permit)
OMVWI (-D or –L) Operating Motor Vehicle While Intoxicated (-Drugs or -Liquor)
OOJ Obstruction of Justice
OP LOT & SL MACH Operating Lottery and Slot Machine
OP STILL Operating Still
OPFP Obtaining Property Under False Pretenses
OPIUM Opium Resorts
ORD Ordinance
OUI Operating Under the Influence of Liquor or Drugs
OVUI (-D or –L) Operating Vehicle Under Influence of (-Drugs or -Liquor)
OVUIL OR NARC Operating Vehicle Under Influence of Liquor or Narcotic Drugs
OVWD (-D or –L) Operating Vehicle While Drunk (-Drugs or -Liquor)
OWI Operating While Intoxicated
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P NC Plead No Contest
P/W INT DEL COC Possession with intent to deliver cocaine
PA Plea in Abeyance
PAND Pandering
PANH Panhandling
PASS BAD CHKS Passing Bad Checks
PASS CTFT CURR Passing Counterfeit Currency
PASS FORG PO MO Passing Forged Post Office Money Orders
PASS RAISED MO Passing Raised Money Orders
PASS WRTHLS CHKS Passing Worthless Checks
Pawnbrokers Act False reporting to a pawn broker
PAY ON SCH OF P/O; WHEN MONIES PD TRANS TO UNSUP Pay on schedule of parole officer; when monies paid transfer to unsupervised probation
PBV Parole Violator
PCT Possession of Criminal Tools
PED Peddler or Peddling
PERJ Perjury
PERV Pervert or Perverted
PERV PRAC Perverted Practice
PFA Considered a Violation; Protection from Abuse
PGBC Agreed Plea of Guilty Before the Court
PGBJ Open Plea of Guilty Before a Jury
PGFR Agreed Plea of Guilty Before the Court. Felony reduced to a misdemeanor
PGJG Open Plea of Guilty Before the Court
PIC Possession of Implement of Crime
PIE Presence in Illegal Establishment
PIMP Pimping
PIST L Pistol Law
PJ or PJC Prayer for Judgment
PL Petty Larceny
POIS Poisoning
POLY Polygamy
POS/CON F-WN/LQ/MXBV UNAUTH PR Possession of a full container of wine, liquor or malt beverage (beer) by an unauthorized person
POSS Possession
POSS BURG TOOLS Possession of Burglary Tools
POSS CONTR SUB Possession Controlled Substance
POSS CP CS – LT 28G Criminal possession of a controlled substance less than (number of) grams
POSS DW Possession Dangerous Weapon
POSS SG Possession Stolen Goods
POSS STLN PROP Possession Stolen Property
POST L Postal Laws
PP Prepaid
PP Pickpocket (FBI Definition)
PRCS Probation Reduced and Case Set Aside
PRE/OBS EXT FIRE Preventing or Obstruction of Extinguishing Fire
PRE-IND PROB Accelerated rehabilitation program. Defendant is placed on probation. Defendant must complete class before charges will be expunged from the record
PRES FLS CL Presenting False Claim
PROB Probation
PROC Procuring
PROC FEM FOR H OF IF Procuring Females For House of Ill Fame
PROC TO COMM ARSON Procuring Person to Commit Arson
PROF Profanity
PROST Prostitution
PROWL Prowling
PSC Public Safety Violation Code
PT Petty Theft
PTI Pre-Trial Intervention
PUB INTOX Public Intoxication
PUB NUIS Public Nuisance
PUR/ATT F-WN/LQ/MXBV < 21 Purchase/Attempt to Purchase Fortified Wine/Liquor/Malt Liquor Beverage by Someone Under the Age of 21
PV Parole Violator
PWOC Passing Worthless Check
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QUAR Quarantine
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RA Registration Act
RAPE MNR Rape of Minor
RCA Red Cross Act
REAP Reckless Endangering Another Person
REC Receiving
REC & CONC Receiving and Concealing
REC MON FR PROST Receiving Money From Prostitute
REC PO MO Receiving Post Office Money Orders
RECDG WGRS Recording Wagers
RECK DR Reckless Driving
REM IDENT ON GUN Removing Identification on Gun
REM OR CONC SPRTS Removal or Concealment of Spirits Contrary to Law
RENT LEWD BKS Renting Lewd Books
RESIST ARR Resisting Arrest
RESIST OFC Resisting an Officer
REST ARR W/O VIOL Resisting Arrest Without Violence
REVK Revoked
RICO Racketeer Influenced and Corrupt Organization
RIF US MAILS Rifling U.S. Mails
RIOT Rioting
RO Regional Office
ROB (ARMED or UNARMED) Robbery (Armed or Unarmed)
RS OF W/O V Resisting Officer Without Violence
RSG Receiving Stolen Goods
RSP Receiving Stolen Property
RSPMV Receiving Stolen Property – Motor Vehicle
RULE Probation Violation
RVRD Probation Revoked and Sentence Reduced
RVSP Non-Adjudicated Probation Revoked and Sentenced to Straight Probation
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SAB Sabotage
SAFECRK Safecracking
SALE IND LIT Sale of Indecent Literature
SALE LIQ Sale Liquor
SALE MTGD PROP Sale Mortgaged Property
SALE NARC Sale Narcotics
SALE SEC W/O REG Sale Securities Without Being Registered
SED Sedition
SEDCT Seduction
SEDD 1,500 Securing and Executing a Document of at Least $1,500 but Less Than $20,000 by Deception or Fraud (Dallas County)
SELL SEC NO LIC Selling Securities, No License
SELL UNREG REVLVR Selling Unregistered Revolver
SES Suspend Entry Sentence
SEX A-V CH Sexual Assault of a Child, Anal and Vaginal
SFCAA State Firearms Control Assistance Act
SH Shooting
SHPB Shock Probation
SHPLFTG Shoplifting
SKA Switchblade Knife Act
SLAN Slander or Slanderous
SLIP Soliciting for Lewd and Immoral Purpose
SMUG Smuggling
SNL State Narcotic Law
SOD Sodomy
SOL Solicitation of Bribery (FBI Definition)
SOL Stricken of Leave
SOL COMM SOD Soliciting to Commit Sodomy
SOL FOR PROS Solicitation for Prostitution
SOL IMM PURP Soliciting for Immoral Purpose
SOL W/O LIC Soliciting Without License
SOLC Solicitation to Commit
SP Suspicious Person
SP Speeding
SPEED Speeding
SSA Selective Service Act
ST POIS A State Poison Act
ST PROH State Prohibition
ST WAGE L State Wage Law
STAB Stabbing
STAB WITH INT KILL Stabbing With Intent to Kill
STAT RAPE Statutory Rape
STEAL FR COMN CARRIER Stealing from Common Carrier
STEAL SECR OR EMBZ MAIL Stealing, Secreting or Embezzling Mail Matter
STET Set Aside, Pending (non conviction)
STLN PROP Stolen Property
STORE B Store Breaking
STSN Running a Stop Sign
SUBV ACTIV Subversive Activity
SUN L Sunday Law
SUP Support
SUS IMP SENT Suspended Imposition Sent. Non-Conviction
SUSP Suspicion
SW OVER $50 Swindling Over $50
SW UNDER $50 Swindling Under $50
SW W CHKS Swindle With Checks
SWIT LIC PL Switching License Plates
SWWC Swindle With Worthless Checks
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T Theft
T BY BAIL Theft By Bailee
T BY DECEP Theft By Deception
T BY T Theft By Taking
T OVER $50 Theft Over $50
T UNDER $50 Theft Under $50
T/O 200 Theft Over $200
TA Tariff Act
TAMP Tampering
TAMP GOV REC Tampering with Government Records
TAWOP Taking Auto Without Owner’s Permission
TBC Theft By Check
TBCI Plea of not guilty, found innocent by the judge
TBCT Plea of not guilty, found guilty by the judge and sentenced by the judge
TBD Trial by Declaration
TDL Texas Driver License
TFIS (-AH) Theft from Interstate Shipment (-Armed Hijacking)
TGP Theft of Government Property
THEFT 750 R AND C Theft of $750 by Receiving And Concealing
THRT Threat (FBI Definition)
THRT Threat to Commit
THRT B OF P Threatened Breach of Peace
THRT TO EXT Threats to Extort
TOP Theft of Property
TR RIDER Train Rider
TRAF A Traffic Act
TRAF ORD Traffic Ordinance
TRAF SIG Traffic Signals (Running Signal Light)
TRAN Transfer to another County/District Court
TRANSP (LIQ or NARC) Transporting (Liquor or Narcotics)
TRESP Trespassing
TRU Truancy
TWEA Trading With the Enemy Act
TYPE OC Original Capias (Warrant information)
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U & P Uttering and Publishing
U/U LIVESTOCK MV Unlawful Use of a Livestock Motor Vehicle
UBAL Unlawful Blood Alcohol Level
UCW Unlawful Carrying of a Weapon
UDAA Unlawful Driving Away Auto
UDFC Utter Distribute Forged Checks
UFA Uniform Firearms Act
UFAC Unlawful Flight to Avoid Custody or Confinement
UFAP Unlawful Flight to Avoid Prosecution
UFAT Unlawful Flight to Avoid Testimony
UIBC Unlawful Issuance of a Bank Check
UISC Unreported Interstate Shipment of Cigarettes
UMTA Using Mails To Defraud
UNA Uniform Narcotics Act
UNL ASM Unlawful Assembly
UNL DAA & ABNDN Unlawfully Driving Away and Abandoning Auto
UNL ENT Unlawful Entry
UNL MARR Unlawful Marriage
UNL POSS FIREARMS Unlawful Possession of Firearms
UNL POSS OR USE EXPLSV Unlawful Possession or Use of Explosives (bombs, etc.)
UNL SALE OF SEC Unlawful Sale of Securities
UNL USE W (OR UUW) Unlawful Use of Weapon
UNLIC CHAUF Unlicensed Chauffeur
UNREG STILL Unregistered Still
UPRF Unlawful Possession or Receipt of Firearms
UPUC Unauthorized Publication or Use of Communications
USCC U.S. Criminal Code or U.S. Criminal Court
USING MV W/O PRMS Using Motor Vehicle Without Permission
USING PROF & AB LANG Using Profane and Abusive Language
USP U.S. Penitentiary
USTP Unsatisfactory Termination of Probation
UTT Uttering
UTT CHK Uttering Check
UTT FORG INST Uttering Forged Instrument
UTT FORG OBL Uttering Forged Obligation
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VAG Vagrancy
VAGA Vagabond
VAM Veterans Administration Matters
VCSDDCA Violation Controlled Substance Drug Device and Cosmetic
VEH Vehicle
VEH NO LTS Vehicle No Lights
VGCSA Violation of Georgia’s Controlled Substance Act (Georgia
VIN Vehicle Identification Number
VIO CITY ORD Violating City Ordinance
VIO CSA Violating Controlled Substance Act
VIO DAA Violation Drug Abuse Act
VIO DDCA Violation Dangerous Drugs and Control Act
VIO DYER A Violation Dyer Act
VIO FED INJ Violation Federal Injunction
VIO HNA Violation Harrison Narcotic Act
VIO IMMI L Violation Immigration Law
VIO NMVTA Violation National Motor Vehicle Theft Act
VIO OF HL Violation of Health Laws
VIO OF LL Violation of Liquor Law
VIO ST GAME & FISH L Violating State Game and Fish Law
VIO ST LL Violation State Liquor Law
VIO TRAF REG Violation Traffic Regulation
VIO UFA Violation Uniform Firearms Act
VIRL (-L) Violation of Internal Revenue Laws (-Liquor)
VOL MANSL Voluntary Manslaughter
VOL MUR Voluntary Murder
VOP Violation of Probation
VT Vehicle Taking or Vehicle Theft
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W/S With Specifications
WAND Wandering
WC Worthless Check
WC-OBT PROB Worthless Check to Obtain Property
WIND PEEP Window Peeping
WOUND Wounding
WPPDA Welfare and Pension Plans Disclosure Act
WPT Withdrawn Prior to Trial
WRONG LIC PL Wrong License Plates
WRTD Writ Denied
WRTG Writ Granted
WRTHLS INST Worthless Instrument
WSTA White Slave Traffic Act
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